
The Alchemist - Herbal Archetype Elixir 60ml

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Chakra Six: Evolving - The Alchemist

Positive Archetype: The Alchemist

Negative Archetype: The Destroyer

Key Words: Personal Transmutation, Psycho Spiritual Transformation, Alchemical Transition

Ingredients: Wormwood tincture, Reishi tincture, Chaga essence, San Pedro Cactus essence, Azurite gem elixir, Tibetan Quartz gem elixir

Suggested Dosage: 15-30 drops twice a day. Drop directly in your mouth or a glass of water

You need this if:

- You want to clear heavy emotions and release unconscious patterns that create internal disharmony and drain your energy levels

- You are ready to eliminate heavy patterns and energies that live in the lower astral frequencies, sometimes referred to as 'energetic parasites'

- You need help to dissolve unconscious cords or connections with people or other entities

- You want support to ease adrenal fatigue or menstrual issues

- You need to still your mind and reduce negative or worrisome thoughts

- You yearn to hear your inner knowing, so that you can live with passion, purpose, co-creation, clarity, and peace

The Alchemist allows you to “be the change you wish to see”. It is time to reap the rewards of your life-learning and share your personal growth with others. As you step into your truth, the Alchemist gives you the confidence to carry your inner transformation out into the world to create positive change. The Alchemist is showing you that each moment is an opportunity to grow, to show up differently, and to transform and be transformed.

Learn more about vibrational medicine and Archetype Herbal Elixirs for Chakras 1-7 in Navigating the Ascension Journey 

All Senses of the Soul formulas have been co-creatively formulated in partnership with Mother Earth. A combination of essences and herbal tinctures, Senses of the Soul Elixirs help the individual to embody the manifestation of a given archetype. The Positive archetypes, which aids in earthly journey, and the Evolving archetypes, that guide you through your spiritual journey, release blocked physical and psychological toxins within. As such, elixirs work on the physical, emotional and mental levels of the individual, they correct imbalances in the Chakras and aid in healing dysfunctional archetypal patterns.  


Confused about the difference between a Senses of the Soul Herbal Elixir and a Senses of the Soul Flower and Gem Essence? Click HERE for the Frequently Asked Questions Page.


Disclaimer:  If on medication, check with your health practitioner before use. Do not combine herbal remedies with pharmaceutical drugs unless you have consulted your health practitioner (our contraindication list for Elixirs can be found HERE). As with all medicinal products, keep out of reach of children and pets, and avoid use during pregnancy or lactation.