The Guru - Archetype Essence 30ml

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Chakra Seven: Positive - The Guru

Positive Archetype: The Guru

Negative Archetype: The Egotist

Key Words: Divine Purpose, Spiritual Connection, Cosmic Wisdom, One With All

Ingredients: Lavender essence, Lycaste Longepetalia orchid essence, Sobralia Dichotoma orchid flower essence, Unakite gem elixir, White Topaz gem elixir, Imperial Topaz gem elixir

Suggested Dosage: 5-15 drops a day. Drop directly in your mouth or a glass of water.

You need this if:

- You want to transform insecurity or fear on the spiritual path into calmness and tranquility

- You want to connect to sources of ancient knowledge to reveal your soul purpose and authentic self

- You want to find or strengthen your bond with your tribe, spiritual group and spiritual family

- You require guidance in the form of dreams and visions

- You want to strengthen your channelling ability and interpretations of psychic thoughts without anxiety

When we have lost our faith and sense of connectedness, the Guru reminds us that we are all ONE. It renews our sense of higher purpose and trust that all is as it is meant to be. The grace of the Guru aligns our spiritual with our inner truths so that we can live out our soul’s calling. Discover your inner guru and bring the Divine within to life.

All Senses of the Soul formulas have been co-creatively formulated in partnership with Mother Earth for those needing to heal on mental or emotional levels. Senses of the Soul Essences can help restore balance to the individual via the vibrational properties of the essences they contain. Essences circumvent the ego and intellect to connect one with his or her Inner Self.  

Confused about the difference between a Senses of the Soul Herbal Elixir and a Senses of the Soul Flower and Gem Essence? Click HERE for the Frequently Asked Questions Page.

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