October 2019 Ascension Update
This Month’s Theme: Crossing
Hello Soul Family,
October is a month to continue to connect to all parts of ourselves and find more balance in our lives. As we find more balance, we will naturally let go of more control, ride on uncertainty and trust that we will receive the abundance that we need.
We will also find more harmony between the masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves. This will allow more shifts in perception and the ability to respond to situations and challenges with our Higher Self, and our higher brain. Life is no longer black and white, it has no duality, and the Ascension process continues to challenge us to remember this universal truth.
As our thought processes shift and our heart comes on-line without fear, then control, competition, greed, blame, shame, and guilt will continue to disappear from ourselves and the collective consciousness. Co-creation and the Divine Feminine continue to filter into the collective, so that there is even more need for win-win in us and in our relationships.
To flow better in October our ascension journey will require a deepening of connection to faith, and to the intangible sense of Spirit that we can connect to for intuitive guidance, hope, sense of balance, strength, and resilience.
October’s energies will allow us the opportunity to deepen this connection between ourselves and higher influences, higher dimensional energies that affect our daily lives and assist us to create our reality.
If you have been wondering “what is the point”, or “ I have no control”, “ I am alone”, ‘I am not supported” or that “nothing I do matters”, then now is the time to “cross over” and deepen your sense of spirituality, connect more fully to Oneness, and the unseen energies that are around you. If you have already “crossed” into the upper realms then October will be a time to deepen your cosmic connection even more.
We enter the ELEVENTH REALM on October 6th which incorporates the above learning into the collective consciousness.
October also sees the Veil thinning between the worlds (think Halloween and Day of the Dead), and we are better able to cross over to the higher chakra energies to contact our guides, ancestors, angels and other off worldly beings for support, help, and guidance.
Want to learn more? View my October Vlog below for more details!
Wishing you balance, focus and stillness as you cross over on your soul’s journey in October.
Love and blessings,
Archetypes for August (what we are learning): The Sovereign, The Enchanter/Enchantress, The Alchemist
RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: The Eleventh Realm (Crossing), The Enchanter/Enchantress Elixir (Dreamwork, Multi-dimensional Consciousness), The Sovereign Elixir (Nurturing), The Alchemist Elixir (Psychospiritual Transformation)
Teas: Sacred Union Tea, Feel No Fear Tea,
Sprays: Sacred Union spray, Lavender Hydrosol spray
Psycho-spiritual and physical symptoms for October: more anxiety, grief, pain, anger, trauma that is unseen and unfelt will begin to come to the surface (and deepen during Mercury Retrograde), either in physical, mental or emotional form, watch the health of your lungs, heart, thyroid, brain, veins, throat, Thymus (Higher Heart). Addiction and neuroses may increase. Our digestion will be challenged as the Solar Plexus continues to shift, clear and strengthen. Body temperature may rise resulting in heat flushes. As we stretch to the Higher Chakras and into “unseen” higher realms the body becomes more porous and fragile until the energies are well anchored in. Take the time to ground, center and nurture yourself daily. Keep thoughts positive as they create your reality.
Cosmic Events
October 6th, THE ELEVENTH REALM begins
October 13 - Full Moon in Aries (Calgary, AB, MST)
October 27 - New Moon in Scorpio (Calgary, AB, MST)
October 15th to October 29th - Pre-shadow Mercury Retrograde
October 31st to November 2nd - Day of the Dead celebrations
October 31th - Halloween
October 31st - Mercury goes Retrograde (in Scorpio)
Mercury Retrograde - October 31st to November 20th
New Product
A combination of flower, gem and cosmic essences to support your Ascension journey.
Unseen, Enhancement, Crossing
* Brings a deeper meaning of inner connectedness, and the release of grief, trauma, pain that is unseen or perhaps even unfelt.
* Supports slowing down, connecting with yourself and finding balance in your life.
* Integrates opposite aspects of yourself into harmonious living.
* Creates a crossover point between the material realm and other realms (multi-dimensional integration). This brings more balance and harmony between the “unseen and the “seen” in all aspects of being (spiritual, mental, emotional, your purpose, your truth)
* Releases blockages in your energy pathways to enhance Root Chakra (1st) energy to rise up into the body and into all of the chakras/energy meridians
* Helps the body to intuitively know how to hold on to additional chakra energy and use it when appropriate to support your soul's journey.
* Supports the letting go of dysfunctional patterns and repressed emotions (fear, pain and suffering) so you can "be the change" and attain another level of elevated consciousness.
* Creates the abundance needed for you to feel empowered.
* Enhances spiritual states and hearing the voice of the heart.
* Expedites clarity in the subconscious.
* Aligns your inner knowing with your higher truth and Higher Self.
* Bridges the energies of the third and seventh chakras so that you can be clear and confident in your decision making.
* Releases emotional and mental toxicity
Suggested Dosage: 15 drops twice daily under the tongue
Senses of the Soul
Senses of the Soul is dedicated to supporting others on their soulful journey to embrace their highest illuminative potential. All parts of this visionary business, from its healing centre, clinical practice, botanical sanctuary, and product line form a cohesive vision to uplift, inspire and empower others to become conscious co-creators of their own life and engage as self-responsible caretakers of our beloved planet.
Samantha Orthlieb