November 2019 Ascension Update
November 2019 Ascension Update
This month’s theme: Unseen
Hello Soul Family,
The month of November will require us to face that which we fear the most and what triggers long held insecurity. There are significant cosmic energies this month that unearth the deepest of the unseen within us. We will delve deeply into remaining shadow that hinders us from stepping more fully into our self-worth, authenticity and our truth during the 11th Realm of learning. Even though we may feel battered, wounded and fatigued, it is important to remember to stay strong in our commitment and determination to ourselves and to what we want to create going forward.
Beginning October 31st, when the Veil between the multi-dimensional realms is thinnest and our consciousness is able to expand the most during the year, our healing will deepen. This last Mercury Retrograde of the year will include Mercury’s transit pass over the sun on November 11/12th, which acts much like an eclipse energy gateway, thus exponentially amplifying Divine Solar power and in turn affects our third chakra for the deepest clearing and regeneration of 2019.
Now is the time to delve deeply into one’s emotions, feel one’s fear and process it , then release that fear and move forward courageously toward the soul’s goals and dreams. From this place we can gather our learned wisdom and authority to birth into our creations, which when put back out to society are for the greater good.
This Mercury Retrograde influence will also challenge us to communicate our thoughts properly, with compassion, as well as navigate the challenges of our mind. There-in lies the opportunity to change our perception, to continue to shift shadow thoughts (self-deception, murkiness, destructive thoughts) and feelings into higher consciousness, which will bring clarity and illumination to resolve and overcome problems that the mind creates.
Archetypes for November (what we are learning): The Warrior, The Shaman, The Priest/Priestess
RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: The Eleventh Realm(Unseen), The Warrior Elixir (Self-worth), The Shaman Essence (Shadow Healing), The Priest/ess Essence (Esoterical Knowledge)
Teas: Feel No Fear Tea, Soul Chakra Tea, Illumination Tea
Sprays: Peppermint Hydrosol (Clarity)
Psycho spiritual and physical symptoms for November: anxiety and indecision about your future, nervousness, tenseness, grief, pain, anger/resentment, hostility, trauma that is unseen and unfelt will begin to come to the surface during Mercury Retrograde, either in physical, mental or emotional form, watch the health of your lungs, heart, thyroid, brain, liver, veins, throat, Thymus (Higher Heart). Addiction and neuroses may increase. Our digestion will be challenged as the Solar Plexus continues to shift , clear and strengthen. Body temperature may rise resulting in heat flushes, redness in skin (particularly on chest, Thymus and throat areas) or other skin issues. Take the time to ground, center and nurture yourself daily. Keep thoughts positive as they create your reality, and strive to finish up projects despite feeling bogged down by ‘unseen” energy or difficulties. Course correct where needed, but watch that you do not do anything hasty or rash. Don’t give up!
Cosmic Events
November 5, 6 - Taurids Meteor Shower peaks.
11:11 Gateway - New beginnings that require us to stay focused on what we want to ensure a positive outcome, as what we are focusing on is rapidly materializing in our life. November is the month to complete projects or goals. Give your fears over to Spirit and have faith in your path even if you cannot see it right now.
Nov 11/12 Mercury Transit - The energy of this transit acts similarly to an eclipse gateway. Powerful shifts are occurring in individual and collective earthly destiny at this time. Mercury will move between the Sun and the Earth and appear as a small, dark speck of dust in front of the Sun for about 5 hours and 30 minutes. Set your positive intentions!
November 12 - Full Moon in Taurus (Calgary, AB, MST)
Nov 17/18: Leonid Meteor Shower - Peaks on November 17/18
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio - October 31st to November 20th (Post shadow is Nov 21 to December 7th)
November 28 - New Moon in Sagittarius (Calgary, AB, MST) - there will be downloading of new and inventive ways to make progress!
Please support the Alberta Herbalists Association!
Do you care about medicinal plants, freedom of choice and access to herbalism?
I wanted to share a project and cause that is dear to my heart and purpose. The Alberta Herbalists Association (AHA) is an organization that has been years in the making, and is now ready to go to the next level of supporting and protecting herbalists and herbalism in Alberta. Earlier this year, I felt Spirit’s nudge to help on the board and on the Membership Committee.
The Alberta Herbalists Association (AHA) held its first official Annual General Meeting on October 27th, 2016. A council of members worked diligently to organize the labour-intensive process of setting up a professional association to represent the interests of Albertan Herbalists from all cultures and educations.
The dream to create a registered, self-regulating, inclusive organization dedicated to the promotion and practice of herbalism was realized in the summer of 2017, when the organization officially became a society in Alberta.
The association has a new website, that was created by myself and Sara Gallant of Wildfield Designs.
I wanted to support the AHA to grow and the website was a natural place to start!
Please take a look:
If you feel called to support herbalism, herbalists and the right to have access to herbal products, please consider becoming an
ASSOCIATE MEMBER of AHA. It’s a quick process to register. For $25 a year there are many benefits including business discounts!
If you have a business and wish to promote it there is a BUSINESS MEMBERSHIP that also has benefits.
Thank you! Together we can make a difference!
PS - Staff shout out!: special thanks to Sydney who created the online forms, and Deb who procures business discounts and partnerships! Both beautiful ladies are Associate members and help me on the Membership Committee.