
May 2019 Ascension Update

May 2019 Ascension Update

This Month’s Theme:  Healing our Core Wounds

Hello Soul Family!

The month of May brings new beginnings.  This will officially start May 4th, with the New Moon, when we enter the 9th Realm of Ascension learning.

Since 2012 we have been releasing karmic residue and integrating inner shadow, however with the May 4th New Moon we leave the clearing phase and start the healing phase of our core wounding. We clearly see where our wounds are now, we have faced them, knowing where we gave away our power, and did not remain true to ourselves.  This has strengthened us, made us more resilient, wiser, and more aware of our soulful needs. The wheel has turned and we move on to deep healing, restoring love and regaining trust in our Soul Work Path. We must follow our growing intuition, as well as connect to our inner knowing, our heart and to Spirit, which allows us to find stillness and make decisions amongst chaos and uncertainty.   Slow and steady steps forward will allow the flow of abundance to come back into our life. We continue to embody adaptability, resilience, flexibility and growth through this year, as well as integrate more self confidence, self-worth and balanced power in our third chakra. Many in May will be stepping up into new leadership roles and group work, that encourages growth and stretching to a new level of Self.

Recommended products for this month:  The Ninth Realm Essence , Love Chakra Tea, Love Chakra Spray, The Sorceress/Sorcerer

Physical and psychospiritual symptoms for May: grieving, low immunity, sinus issues, throat issues, sleep disturbance, digestion issues,  stiffness / soreness, anxiety, muscle pain, fatigue, self-worth issues.

Archetypes this month to embody: The Lover

Recommended Resources:

 Please view my May Video Blog below for more information including cosmic dates!  Sending you deep healing and illumination on your May soulful journey.

Xoxo Samantha


New Product Launch!  Ninth Realm Vibrational Essence

Check out our 2019 Farm Events 


Senses of the Soul

Senses of the Soul is dedicated to supporting others on their soulful journey to embrace their highest illuminative potential. All parts of this visionary business, from its healing centre, clinical practice, botanical sanctuary, and product line form a cohesive vision to uplift, inspire and empower others to become conscious co-creators of their own life and engage as self-responsible caretakers of our beloved planet.

Samantha Orthlieb

Follow my blog for intuitively channeled insights on our Human Ascension process and the embodiment of a new Human Evolutionary Template within ourselves.   My blog contains the latest themes, patterns, and common health and wellness issues that are affecting each of us and the collective consciousness as we upgrade and heal during this new paradigm of Love and Light.