June 2019 Ascension Update
June 2019 Ascension Update
This Month’s Theme: Reclaiming Trust
Hello Soul Family!
The month of June continues to bring new beginnings, as well as more trust in and clarity around the next stage of our soul’s journey. We are still moving through the 9th Realm of Ascension learning which continues until early August.
This phase of the 9th Realm gives us the opportunity to reclaim trust in ourselves, which will allow us to feel more emotionally and physically safe. With more self trust we will more readily take more risk, and align our inner knowing with a higher truth. Higher truth will guide us despite the chaos around us, despite what we worry or obsess about, and despite what others may think about us!
It’s time for more new beginnings for us, so June is an excellent month to set our intentions. What do we want or need now? We have learned so much from our past, we are healing our wounds, so how and where do we want to go forward?
June continues to prepare us for two significant upgrades via eclipses in July, enhanced by Mercury Retrograde!
Recommended products for this month: The Ninth Realm Essence , The Warrior Essence, The Spiritual Warrior Essence, Illumination Chakra Tea
Physical and psychospiritual symptoms for June: grieving, fatigue, sinus issues, throat issues, sleep disturbance, digestion issues, stiffness / soreness, anxiety, muscle pain, self-worth issues, busy mind, sparks of passion, more joy and peace.
Archetypes this month to embody: The Warrior, The Spiritual Warrior
Celestial dates: New Moon (June 2), Full Moon (June 17), Summer Solstice (June 21)
Recommended Resources:
- The Collective Soul Journey Box
- The 16 Realms Collection
- Dive Deeper: Opening The Senses of The Soul
Check out our 2019 Farm Events
Senses of the Soul
Senses of the Soul is dedicated to supporting others on their soulful journey to embrace their highest illuminative potential. All parts of this visionary business, from its healing centre, clinical practice, botanical sanctuary, and product line form a cohesive vision to uplift, inspire and empower others to become conscious co-creators of their own life and engage as self-responsible caretakers of our beloved planet.
Samantha Orthlieb
Follow my blog for intuitively channelled insights on our Human Ascension process and the embodiment of a new Human Evolutionary Template within ourselves. My blog contains the latest themes, patterns, and common health and wellness issues that are affecting each of us and the collective consciousness as we upgrade and heal during this new paradigm of Love and Light.