February 2019 Ascension Energies
Hello Soul Family:
The Theme for February’s Ascension Energies is Healing the Hidden.
This month we are creating more inner space to bring the mental, physical and emotional bodies into flow and alignment with the next phase of our Ascension journey. We are healing the last remnants of what is still hidden and keeping us from rising to the next level of our potential; anything that keeps us out of alignment with our creative empowered True Self needs to go...
The collective consciousness is moving from the Seventh Realm of learning into the Eight Realm of learning by Feb 15th. The Eight Realm of learning will last from Feb 15th to beginning of May. This will bring some relief if you feel cranky, angry, frustrated and upset with your outside environment. if you are hiding tears you will be reminded that you are carrying that pain and grief so that you can then make the choice to let it go. In doing so we will be rewarded with a sense of liberation, freedom and more internal Fire! We can use this new energy and passion to fuel and create our life!
Lots of release of emotional blockages in the lower chakras, better flow of communication and aiding in empowerment of Self. More deep integration of emotional pain and tension that undermines quality of interactions and heartfelt communication with others. Watch for subconscious release through the thymus and brain via our dreams. See more in the Eight Realm Essence to assist you.
Physical and psychospiritual symptoms for Feb - continues with flu symptoms, anxiety, panic attacks, low immunity, liver pain, digestion issues, sore solar plexus, stiffness / soreness in the thoracic region (rib cage to neck) which brings needed release and stimulates energy flow in the body via the spine.
Archetypes this month to embody: The Lover, The Warrior, The Guru
Teas: Urban Warrior, Release the Fear
For more please watch the video by clicking the image below. Blessings on your journey!
Xoxo Samantha
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Dive Deeper: Opening The Senses of The Soul
Senses of the Soul
Senses of the Soul is dedicated to supporting others on their soulful journey to embrace their highest illuminative potential. All parts of this visionary business, from its healing centre, clinical practice, botanical sanctuary and product line form a cohesive vision to uplift, inspire, and empower others to become conscious co-creators of their own life, and engage as self-responsible caretakers of our beloved planet.
Samantha Orthlieb
Follow my blog for intuitively channeled insights on our Human Ascension process and the embodiment of a new Human Evolutionary Template within ourselves. My blog contains the latest themes, patterns, and common health and wellness issues that are affecting each of us and the collective consciousness as we upgrade and heal during this new paradigm of Love and Light.